Fountain pen writing on paper

So Much More To Say

May 22, 2021

There has been radio silence in this space. I’m aware of that. My last blog post was nearly three years ago! I wish I could tell you I regret taking this long to blog again, or that I’ve been busy with author stuff and haven’t had an opportunity to update my site. But none of that is accurate.

Honestly, I’m just not as dedicated to blogging as I once was. There were times when I attended conference after conference in cities across the US, year after year. But that’s not my life anymore. I’m a bit more settled, and certainly don’t travel like before.

Over the past year of this “shut down” I’ve become more familiar with the things that are most important to me, like my family, my relationship with God, and writing. Although the world has been in a tizzy, I have been at peace. This overwhelming sense of calm I’m experiencing is shocking and joyous. I’m now able to encounter life instead of teetering on the edge of worry and stress.

Being able to focus my attentions on things I’ve neglected for so long has been wonderful. I hope I can begin to devote more attention towards this space because, there’s so much more to say….


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