My Diabetes Story

July 8, 2023

The doctors scheduled my pre-surgery physical exam in April 2020. We were a year into the pandemic and I had finally gotten my much needed hysterectomy on the books. (We’ll discuss more on that in a separate post). My blood was taken, questions were asked, an exam was completed. I left the doctor’s office relieved, yet anxious that I would finally be getting this procedure.

Shortly after pulling out of the parking lot my phone rang. It was the doctor’s office. My physician told me that my A1C was 11.4. She stated that number was astronomically high whereas “normal” A1C levels were around 6.0. She guessed I was diabetic and would be need to take on medication. But she’d call me back to schedule a follow up appointment.

I was soon placed on Metformin and taught how to prick my finger twice a day. My Metformin journey for the next few months was tumultuous. The stomach cramps, the nausea and the excessive diarrhea caused me great angst. I literally could not leave the house. And there were many, many a day where I suffered embarrasing accidents. Thank God I was working from home.

Being a diabetic, I have to get my eyes checked every 6 months as well as my feet examined regularly (to ensure I don’t have diabetic retinopathy or any foot injuries that may be infected. I also get my A1C checked every 6 months. Since my initial diagnosis my A1C has been at normal levels. I am currently at a 5.8 A1C. My doctor states that while my diabetes is controlled I must continue taking my medicines (they added Crestor to my regime to prevent stroke and heart attach- two conditions of which diabetics are at risk) and watching my diet. I’ve been advised that by losing 20 lbs. I can rid my regimen of Metformin.

My plan to to schedule an appointment with a nutritionist. I still struggle with my eating habits. But I’ve been working diligently at exercising daily. Regular exercise decreases my blood sugar level drastically each day. So, maintaining my work out routine will hopefully be beneficial to my diabetes journey.

At my age, I’m forced to be more conscious of my lifestyle. I want to decrease my risk factors and have the healthiest 47 year old body I can have.

Y’all wish me luck.


  • Hey Girl! You’ve got this! Follow doctor’s orders! I was out on Metformin in order to get pregnant back in 2003. The first month was fine, the second month, I got it filled at a different drug store and it was hell. They said there are different companies that make generic metformin and they can have different additives that react differently in your body. Check around, try some different brands. You could be reacting to an inert ingredient.

    • A

      Interesting! Odd that different companies have slightly different products. My side effects have long subsided. But those first few months were rough.

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