Down Feather Pillows

April 19, 2023

Down feathers litter my bed. My beauty rest pillow is in shambles. A large gash in it has exposed the inside and caused feathers to leak onto my sheets.

I awake each morning with feathers in my hair, stuck to my face, lodged in my ear. Yet and still, I sleep with my beloved pillow each night, refusing to discard it.

This pillow has been with me for many years. I believe it was a birthday gift from my children. You see, I have challenges falling asleep. I toss and turn at night trying to find a sweet spot to lull me into dream land. So, my children believed getting me a new pillow would solve my problems. It did. For a while.

Now, after years of use, the pillow is deformed; misshapen.

As I contemplate getting rid of the pillow, I ponder how many other instances in my life I have held on to things that no longer serve me. How many ragged pillows do I have in my relationships, job, spirituality, health that spew useless feathers all over my being?

There are certainly pounds and pounds of torn pillows I need to shed from my life so I can move forward with purpose. It’s time for me to get rid of the things I don’t need.


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