Image by Krystal Grant-from her front lawn


May 3, 2023

Dandelions have always captured my attention in the most unusual way. Maybe it’s because I’m from South Carolina; and we have no short of dandelions there. I remember plucking them from the ground when I was young and blowing softly to watch each seed toss through the air.

It was magical.

To this day, I’m still taken by the soft beauty of the flower. One Saturday morning, a lone dandelion stuck it’s head from the ground in my yard. I watched as the dew spilled down its stem. The charming flower begged for my attention. So I snapped a picture of it as a nod to my awe.

I was inspired to write a poem:

There’s something about a dandelion

the way it bends with the wind

the way it sprouts about the ground

as beautiful as a wren

It’s petals look as prickly quills

sitting on a porcupines back

Dew rests upon the flower

It’s majesty doesn’t lack


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